Tmr, Baramonking Triathlon will be held at Fukue island on Goto islands in Nagasaki pref.

When I participated in IRONMAN JAPAN GOTO NAGASAKI in 2008, a flight was cancelled from Fukuoka to Fukue due to bad weather.

That’s why I decided to take a ferry leaving Hakata at 12 midnight.

And then, I went to Motsu-nabe restaurant and super sento to kill time ♨️

But on the way, that ferry stopped for several hours at sea because of heavy fog.

It was due to arrive in Fukue port at 8am, but actually arrived at around 1pm.

I didn’t make it in time to check in the athletes and deposit my bicycle.

I remember contacting the race director Mr, Mickey, directly.

The headquarters were flexible.
And I could participate in the race.

It may be the reason why I started to love traveling by ferry 🛳️

It may be difficult to get to Fukue island.
But if you can get to the start line, I think you’ll be 70% to complete the race.

I hope every athletes have a wonderful race.

May God bless you!!

(The photo is perhaps in 2019 at Fukue port.)




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